Best Face Wash & Natural Treatment for Pimples and Acne
Puberty and pimples are as common as farts.
Why? Because as you enter the teen years your hormones kick into a whole other gear. It’s these active hormones that produce the extra oil production in your body that causes the outbreaks.
Pimples come in all shapes and sizes. You can have an army of small whiteheads that invade your entire face (and sometimes body) or the one-off large volcano type that feels like it can erupt any minute – like our resident pimple Gus … not a good look!
No one wants pimples, but very few teens get through these years without a breakout. At this time it’s important to remember that they will clear up and there are things you can do to help this process along.
Cleanliness and diet do play an important role. Washing prevents bacteria from spreading which causes acne and cutting out excess sugar helps the skin balance its oil production.
So listen to your mums – wash and eat well.
Your other secret weapon if you want to annihilate zits is 808 Dude Zit Free Face Wash. It’s a natural treatment for pimples and acne with essential oils to clean, heal and protect the skin. This means when you enter your adult years you won’t have damaged your skin with harmful chemicals (which many pimple creams are full of) and you won’t scar, especially if you don’t pick.
Warning: Do not squeeze pimples. This causes scarring of the skin that will stay with you for life. If the pressure must be released from a pulsating pimple, firstly, bathe a pimple with a fairly hot flannel to draw the head of the pimple up to the surface then get your mum to release using gentle pressure from afar with tissues so she doesn’t break the skin or spread bacteria.