FAQ for Teenage Skincare

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Most commonly asked questions re: teenage skincare. Being a skincare company, specialising in products for teenagers, we get quite a lot of emails from concerned parents asking how...

The Talk - Body Odour and Hygiene

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Teenage Skincare & Personal Care. Is it time to have the talk about body odour and hygiene? So you are the parent of a teenage boy. Not that...

Body Odour: Deodorant for Kids & Teens

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Teenage Body Odour | Deodorant for Kids & Teens Do you remember that gorgeous new baby smell? Remember how delightful your son smelt as a baby? Unfortunately times...

Natural Skin Care Products

by Carolyn Palliardi on

There is plethora of information to be found on the virtues of using organic and natural skin care products. Organic products can be found everywhere these days, from...

How to Get Rid of Pimples in 10 Easy Steps…

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Ever wondered how to get rid of pimples? For any teenager out there crawling through Google looking for that mystical answer of how to get rid of pimples…this...

What to do when your son's skin starts breaking out?

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Pimpes and acne don't just happen overnight, right? Well, it might feel like it to your son but there are little signs that he might have a problem...

Teen boys and Acne + What to do about it!

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Skin Care for Teen Boys. When it comes to boys (+ acne or pimples) and skin care for teens, they usually want the no-brainer approach - the least...

Roll On Vs Spray Deodorants

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Best deodorant choice for teen boys.

Teen Acne in Boys

by Carolyn Palliardi on

Boys seem to change overnight. It happens so quickly that you blink and hey presto! Boy into teen. One day they are a clear-faced smiley kid and the...