Teen Acne in Boys

Boys seem to change overnight. It happens so quickly that you blink and hey presto! Boy into teen. One day they are a clear-faced smiley kid and the next day you have a spotty scowling kid with teen acne.

The explanation for this is pretty straight forward – hormones! And it is this surge in their hormones that triggers all the changes especially the over production of oil in the glands of their body. While this is often seen as a right of passage of being a teen it is a time in a teens life when they can be fragile emotionally.

If its only a few spots they seem to take it in their stride as most of their friends have a spot or two and they can relate to that. But when the spots take off like a bush fire all over their face, chest and back your son can quickly change from a confident kid to a self-conscious teen and in serious cases, acne can cause depression.

So it’s really important to check in with them about how they are feeling and not to think they’ll get over it without some help and support. I nearly made this mistake myself with my teen. He’s a gorgeous looking boy and I didn’t think his spots were too bad.

But my 14 year old went from thinking of himself as a good-looking kid with girls chasing him to saying to me, “I don’t know how I’m going to cope. I can’t live like this!”

And, here I am developing natural/organic products to help teens with their hygiene and health and my son is in desperate need of help himself. At this stage my products were not off the production line. I had developed the 808 Dude Zit Free Face Wash for just this time in my son’s life. But I didn’t have it, just yet!

It went against everything I stood for to go and buy him one of the commercial brands knowing what they contained. However, I was only a month or so away from being able to give him something that’s naturally formulated to help prevent and also clear up acne. Zit Free Face Wash for ingredients and how to use.

In my research on what essential oils to include in 808Dude Zit Free face Wash, I’d come across a site that that sold natural tablets that help break down the production of the oil before it has the chance to hit the surface, and cause bacteria to multiply. 

So I sat him down and explained that I could help him clear up his acne but that he’d have to have some patience as it will happen but not overnight.

Today, I can gladly report that his skin is 99 per cent clearer with the old break out because he is using his face wash and when he stops for a few days he’ll have another breakout but he’s worked that out and I don’t have to say anything and he also takes his oil absorbing tablets as he continues to surge hormonally from teen to man.

Tagged with: acne boys pimples teen teen acne

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